Our Current Investment Criteria & Real Estate Introductions Policy
Ebrington Capital would be delighted to receive real estate introductions via our dedicated email: intros@ebringtoncapital.com. Please find below our Real Estate Introductions Policy below.
Real Estate Introductions Policy
Ebrington Capital LLP requires that all property introductions are submitted via e-mail to any of the contacts noted at the end of this policy or using the online form on this page.
In order for an introduction to be valid, it must contain the following information:
Property address
Up-to-date tenancy schedule
Purchase price
Purchase yield
Vendor’s details
No verbal or written communication received or sent is capable of creating a binding agreement unless specifically agreed in writing by the Ebrington Capital LLP.
Ebrington Capital LLP reserves the right in its absolute discretion whether or not it should accept an introduction. By submitting an introduction to Ebrington Capital LLP you are agreeing and accepting this.
If a property has been introduced to Ebrington Capital LLP by more than one party, Ebrington Capital LLP reserves the right in its absolute discretion to select and use the most appropriate person.
If Ebrington Capital LLP accepts an introduction, it is on the basis that:
The introducer (individual or their firm) has no conflict of interest
The introducer (individual or their firm) is acting only for Ebrington Capital LLP
The introducer (individual or their firm) will not make a competing bid on behalf of any other party for the relevant property
The introducer’s fee is to be agreed by negotiation and must be expressly confirmed in writing by Ebrington Capital LLP.
If a property has been introduced and rejected, any re-introduction will be deemed to be a new introduction and it must be submitted in accordance with this Introductions Policy.
If Ebrington Capital LLP has accepted or rejected an introduction, it reserves the right to accept a subsequent introduction of the same property from another party without being liable to the initial introducing party, if for example (but not limited to the following), a reasonable period of time has elapsed or if there are changes in the offer terms
Please contact intros@ebringtoncapital for further information.