The information provided on and from this site is for general information only. It does not constitute specific advice or any offer to procure a financing solution in any particular situation. We cannot guarantee that the contents of this site will be entirely accurate and up to date at all times or that your access to it will be uninterrupted. We reserve the right to change the contents of any part of this site at any time without notice. Whilst steps have been taken to ensure that this site is free from viruses, no warranty is given in this regard and users are responsible for ensuring that they have appropriate virus checking software. We do not accept any responsibility for and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, exclude any liability for, any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or related to any use of, inability to use or reliance on this site (or any third party site linked from this site) or any information provided on or from it.

Governing law
This notice and all issues regarding this site are governed by English law. If you experience any problems with this site please email contact@ebringtoncapital.com.

Electronic links to this site are prohibited without prior written consent. This site may from time to time provide links to third party sites. Please note that the content of a third party site may be subject to terms and conditions imposed by the owner of that content. We do not endorse or accept any responsibility for the content of or software downloaded from any site linked from this site or which links to it.

© and Database Rights: Ebrington Capital LLP (2021) a Limited Liability Partnership with registration number OC438301. All Rights Reserved. The intellectual property rights in this site and its content are owned by Ebrington Capital LLP or one of its subsidiary companies or its third party licensors. The content of this site is protected by copyright. Copying all or part of the content of this site is not permitted without our prior written consent, save that permission is granted for the downloading, temporary storage and printing of hard copies for personal use or for internal, non-commercial use within your organisation and the distribution of copies (in printed or electronic form) to third parties for their personal use or for internal, non-commercial use, provided that: (a) Ebrington Capital LLP is acknowledged as the source and copyright owner; (b) the text is not adapted in any way; and (c) attention is drawn to this notice.

Privacy Notice
This notice explains how we may collect and use information about you collected through our site. For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as it applies to the United Kingdom Ebrington Capital LLP is the data controller in respect of any personal data. Various forms on our site may invite you to submit your contact details and other information about you or your organisation, or to send us emails (which will of course identify you). In each case the purpose for which you are submitting your details will be made clear, for example to receive particular bulletins or be sent information on events. We may also send you announcements from time to time. From time to time we may use third parties to process or administer the data on our behalf, for example to send out invitations to events but such third parties are not allowed to use the data for their own purposes. We do monitor visits to our site so that we can improve our service and make the site easier to navigate but the information we use to do so does not identify you as an individual.

If you have any queries about this Policy or the data we hold about you, or if you wish to update any information we hold about you, please email contact@ebringtoncapital.com.